Saturday, June 18, 2016

.aesop rock

This is the third time I've seen Aesop Rock at Union Transfer. As always he puts on a killer show with Rob Sonic. He always has the best openers. I LOVED that Homeboy Sandman was back again. Since there was no barrier this time around we got quite wet in the front. Aes joked Homeboy Sandman drips buckets and joked about that later in his set. 

Skelethon was pretty good but Aesop's new album Impossible Kid really takes the cake. They opened with "Mystery Fish" which is the first track and one of my favorites along with "Rings" and "Dorks." The stage was in plastic animal decor and a faux flame. I felt like the dynamic duo were at it for at least two hours with rhymes and getting the crowd involved. They performed mostly newer songs with a few oldies (None Shall Pass, Catacomb Kids) and some Hail Mary Mallon jams. The first time I saw them they did "Dokken Rules" but I haven't heard it since.

Someone threw their black Phillies cap on the stage and Aes picked it up and wore it. Also he joked that they were playing on Colbert and how nervous he was going to be. If he could bring us all or had a crowd like us he would be more relaxed. I missed that performance but laughed when I saw on Aesop's Instagram a picture with him feet up in the desk.

What I really enjoyed about the show was how polite the guys were to me. Going to an Aesop Rock concert there aren't as many female fans in the mix or rather guys bringing their girlfriends. Some let me get in front of them in the merch line, asked what I was reading while waiting between sets, and gave me advice when I was debating what shirt to purchase. What made me the most nervous was my chance to meet Aes / Ian after the show. There was a line that formed before him as he graciously posed with fans for pictures and male fans turned into total fangirls which was adorable. When it was my turn I introduced myself, told him this was my third time seeing him and Rob, and asked a question. It was basically "What arcade were you guys in when you shot the video for Homemade Mummy?" I could've probably googled the answer to that ahead of time but I needed something cool to start conversation. Ian told me it's called Musee Mecanique located in San Francisco and how they have all these different games and weird shit. I just stood kind of dumbfounded like "Woah this is happening!" Here I thought they were in Brooklyn. Question answered. He was nice enough to take a picture with me which I will not post because I look gross and sweaty.  This made my night along with two pins (Kirby the one eyed cat and Impossible Kid's bat helmet) I purchased at the merch stand.

I did not see Rob Sonic after my Aes encounter nor did I want to repeat my awkward hug like I did the year before of giving a half-assed hug because I was shy and practically bolting out of the door because I am shy. So I left with Homeboy Sandman to my right with a line of folks, smiling with him for pictures. Even though I can only rap 50% of None Shall Pass despite hearing it 100+ times and for the life of me cannot keep up with any of his rhymes, I come back each time amazed and wanting more. 

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